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Safe House

What is Crisis Response?

Crisis Response is an ever-evolving service for adult Dane County residents with developmental disabilities. Crisis response services are designed to prevent or shorten inappropriate stays in more restrictive settings. crisis Response services are coordinated through Community TIES.

What Services does Crisis Response Provide?

Crisis Response provides a variety of time-limited supports:

  • Crisis service coordination through Community TIES (especially if a situation involves contact with the criminal justice or mental health service system)

  • Short-term behavioral consultation and program recommendations through TIES

  • Facilitated access to home and workplace modifications

  • Additional staffing in an individual's home or workplace

  • Access to an emergency psychiatric consultation through the Mental Health Center of Dane County

  • Short-term case management services through the United Cerebral Palsy Adult Services Assessment & Planning Program (ASAP)

  • Follow-up consultation through Community TIES

If these services are insufficient to support an individual in his or her typical environment, the use of alternate housing, i.e. a stay at the Safe House might be considered. Additional staff support may be provided through Crisis Response. The length of stay at the Safe House is generally limited to one week.


Who is Eligible for Crisis response Services?

Crisis response services are available for adults eligible for Developmental Disabilities services in Dane County. All services must be approved by the Dane County Developmental Disabilities Intake Unit. The individual seeking services and/or his/her legal guardian must consent to the use of Crisis Response services.

How Can Crisis Response Services be Obtained/Accessed?

In addition to contacting the Intake Unit individuals, families, support brokers or agencies seeking services are strongly encouraged to stay in close contact with the Crisis Response Coordinator and must be willing to take part in the ongoing problem solving/team process. This means to participate in an initial meeting - especially if the use crisis staff or the Safe House is being considered - no later than the next business day following referral or the start of service.

What has to be Done Before Crisis Response Services can be Provided?

Crisis Response services can only be provided if the Crisis Response team has accurate and sufficient information about the individual in need of services. Any crisis services need to be approved by the Adult Services Intake Unit which can only be reached during business hours.

Support teams are strongly encouraged - with the assistance of the Crisis Response Coordinator - to develop proactive crisis plans, which spell out at what point Crisis Response resources should be considered and who in an agency is authorized to make the request for them. If a proactive crisis plan has been developed and has been approved by the Intake Unit, Crisis Response services can be accessed 24 hours a day.

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